Divide decimals by 10 - WM.png
Divide decimals by 10
11Add and subtract ones, tenths, hundredths, and thousandths.png
Add & subtract 1, 0.1, 0.01, & 0.001
1Teen Numbers.png
Teen numbers
2Teen Numbers(2).png
Teen numbers (2)
3Teen Numbers(3).png
Teen numbers (3)
4Teen Numbers(4).png
Teen numbers (4)
5Teen Numbers(5).png
Teen numbers (5)
6Place value within 40.png
Place value within 40
7Place value within 40(2).png
Place value within 40 (2)
8Place value within 40(3).png
Place value within 40 (3)
9Place value within 40(4).png
Place value within 40 (4)
5Express tens in standard form.png
Express tens in standard form
6Express 2-digit numbers using 1 less ten.png
Express 2-digit #s using 1 less ten
7Add 1 or 10 to 2-digit numbers.png
Add 1 or 10 to 2-digit numbers
8Subtract 1 or 10 from a 2-digit number.png
Subtract 1 or 10 from a 2-digit number
9Add and subtract 1 or 10 within 100.png
Add & subtract 1 or 10 within 100
10Make 100.png
Make 100
1Place value within 100.png
Place value within 100
2Place value within 100(2).png
Place value within 100 (2)
3Place value within 100(3).png
Place value within 100 (3)
4Place value within 100(4).png
Place value within 100 (4)
Count from 100 to 120.png
Count from 100 to 120
Unit form within 120.png
Unit form within 120
Unit form within 120(2).png
Unit form within 120 (2)
1Place value within 1,000.png
Place value within 1,000
2Place value within 1,000(2).png
Place value within 1,000 (2)
3Digit value.png
Digit value
4Expanded form.png
Expanded form
5Count up by ones, tens, and hundreds.png
Count up by ones, tens, & hundreds
6Count up by ones, tens, and hundreds(2).png
Count up by ones, tens, & hundreds (2)
7Count up and down by ones, tens, and hundreds.png
Count up & down by 1s, 10s, & 100s
8Express units of ten as 3-digit numbers.png
Express units of ten as 3-digit numbers
9Express 3-digit numbers in tens.png
Express 3-digit numbers in tens
10Bundle 1 ten, 1 hundred, and 1 thousand.png
Bundle 1 ten, 1 hundred, & 1 thousand
11Subtract 1 within 1,000.png
Subtract 1 within 1,000
1Comma position in large numbers.png
Comma position in large numbers
2Place value adding within 1,000,000.png
Place value adding within 1 million
3Express tens as 3 and 4-digit numbers.png
Express tens as 3 & 4-digit numbers
4Express hundreds as 4 and 5-digit numbers.png
Express hundreds as 4 & 5-digit #s
5Add units within 1,000,000.png
Add units within 1 million
6Subtract units within 1,000,000.png
Subtract units within 1 million
7Add and subtract units within 1,000,000.png
Add & subtract units within 1 million
1 1 or 10 more than within 40.png
1 or 10 more than within 40
2 1 or 10 less than within 40.png
1 or 10 less than within 40
3 1 or 10 more or less than within 40.png
1 or 10 more or less than within 40
4 1 or 10 more than a 2-digit number.png
1 or 10 more than a 2-digit number
5 1 or 10 less than a 2-digit number.png
1 or 10 less than a 2-digit number
6 1 or 10 more or less than a 2-digit number.png
1 or 10 more or less than a 2-digit #
7 1, 10, and 100 more than a 3-digit number.png
1, 10, or 100 more than a 3-digit number
8 1, 10, and 100 less than a 3-digit number.png
1, 10, or 100 less than a 3-digit number
9 1, 10, and 100 more or less than a 3-digit number.png
1, 10, or 100 more/less than a 3-digit #
3Digit value with tenths.png
Digit value with tenths
4Digit value with hundredths.png
Digit value with hundredths
5Digit value with thousandths.png
Digit value with thousandths
6Multiply by 1 tenth, 1 hundredth, and 1 thousandth.png
Multiply by 0.1, 0.01, & 0.001
7Express numbers in tenths.png
Express numbers in tenths
8Express numbers in hundredths.png
Express numbers in hundredths
9Express numbers in tenths and hundredths.png
Express numbers in tenths & hundredths
10Complete the powers of 10 pattern.png
Complete the powers of 10 pattern
1Compare numbers within 40.png
Compare numbers within 40
2Compare numbers within 100.png
Compare numbers within 100
3Compare numbers within 100(2).png
Compare numbers within 100 (2)
4Compare numbers within 1,000.png
Compare numbers within 1,000
5Compare numbers within 1,000(2).png
Comparing numbers within 1,000 (2)
6Compare numbers within 1,000,000.png
Compare numbers within 1 million
7Compare decimals to the hundredths place.png
Compare decimals with hundredths
8Compare decimals to the thousandths place.png
Compare decimals with thousandths
1Find the midpoint of 2-digit numbers.png
Find the midpoint of 2-digit numbers
2Find the midpoint of 2 and 3-digit numbers.png
Find the midpoint of 2 & 3-digit #s
3Find the midpoint of numbers less than 2,000.png
Find the midpoint of #s less than 2,000
4Find the midpoint of thousands.png
Find the midpoint of thousands
5Find the midpoint of 2, 3, 4, and 5-digit numbers.png
Find the midpoint of 2, 3, 4, & 5-digit #s
6Find the midpoint of ones.png
Find the midpoint of ones
7Find the midpoint of tenths.png
Find the midpoint of tenths
8Find the midpoint of hundredths.png
Find the midpoint of hundredths
1Round 2-digit numbers to the nearest ten.png
Round to the nearest ten
2Round 3-digit numbers to the nearest ten.png
Round to the nearest ten (2)
3Round 2, 3, 4, and 5-digit numbers to the nearest ten.png
Round to the nearest ten (3)
4Round 3 and 4-digit numbers to the nearest hundred.png
Round to the nearest hundred (2)
5Round numbers below 2,000 to the nearest hundred.png
Round to the nearest hundred
6Round 3, 4, and 5-digit numbers to the nearest hundred.png
Round to the nearest hundred (3)
8Round 4 and 5-digit numbers to the nearest thousand.png
Round to the nearest thousand (2)
9Round 4, 5, and 6-digit numbers to the nearest thousand.png
Round to the nearest thousand (3)
10Round 5 and 6-digit numbers to the nearest ten thousand.png
Round to the nearest ten thousand
11Round 6-digit numbers to the nearest hundred thousand.png
Round to the nearest hundred thousand
2Round to the nearest tenth.png
Round to the nearest tenth
3Round to the nearest hundredth.png
Round to the nearest hundredth
1Multiply units by 10.png
Multiply units by 10
2Multiply by 10.png
Multiply by 10
3Multiply ones by 10, 100, and 1,000.png
Multiply ones by 10, 100, & 1,000
4Multiply tens and ones by 10, 100, and 1,000.png
Multiply tens & ones by 10, 100, & 1,000
5Multiply by powers of 10.png
Multiply by powers of 10
6Multiply decimals by 10, 100, and 1,000.png
Multiply decimals by 10, 100, & 1,000
1Divide units by 10.png
Divide units by 10
2Divide by 10.png
Divide by 10
3Divide by powers of 10.png
Divide by powers of 10
4Divide decimals by 10, 100, and 1,000.png
Divide decimals by 10, 100, & 1,000
1Multiply and divide by 10.png
Multiply & divide by 10
2Multiply and divide powers of 10.png
Multiply & divide by powers of 10
3Multiply and divide decimals by 10, 100, and 1,000.png
Mult & divide decims by 10, 100, & 1,000
Multiply decimals by 10 - WM.png
Multiply decimals by 10