
Speed Doesn’t Matter…But it Helps

December 21, 2020

“Fast recall of maths facts is not what it means to be strong at mathematics.”

- Jo Boaler, Fluency without Fear,


Although true, Boaler’s statement misleads naïve educators, while emboldening their indoctrinators, damaging elementary math teaching in the process.  At it’s core, mathematics is a subject of deep thinking, but some aspects of the discipline require expediency.  Efficiently solving basic computational facts makes thinking easier, and there are many elementary math topics that aren’t useful if they’re done slowly. 

In his acclaimed book Thinking Fast and Slow, Daniel Kahnemann writes, “anything that occupies your working memory reduces your ability to think.”  Computational facts fall under this umbrella.  Students who lack basic mental math skills struggle with higher order thinking because they expend unnecessary mental energy on arithmetic.  In the process, their attention is diverted, and they lose concentration on what they’re trying to solve.  Boaler points out that students can retrieve facts by using machines, but even punching numbers into a calculator temporarily redirects their focus away from the task they’re working on (1).  Calculator reliance also impedes learning more complicated math topics.

When posed with the following word problem, a child who needs a calculator to compute will likely choose one of two methods. 

Wes earns $7 for each hour he works.  How much does he earn in 9 hours?

Method 1:  7 + 7 + 7 + 7 + 7 + 7 + 7 + 7 + 7 = 63.

Method 2:  9 x 7 = 63.

Method 1 is inefficient, and children are prone to make inputting mistakes as they try to find the answer.  Conversely, skip counting by sevens without assistance is a valuable strategy for a child who hasn’t yet memorized their times tables.  They might make a computational error, but as long as their mistake is corrected, their productive struggle has greater long-term benefits than using a calculator (2).  Each time they count a unit of seven, they connect repeated addition to multiplication, relate simple times tables facts to more challenging ones, and strengthen their understanding of number patterns.  In time, they might organically discover that nine groups of seven is five groups of seven plus four more sevens (35 + 7 + 7 + 7 + 7) or ten groups of seven minus one group of seven (7 x 10 – 7), the genesis of distributive property learning.

Students will only use Method 2 if they know that 9 x 7 provides the correct answer and they haven’t memorized the fact.  By selecting the correct operation, the child demonstrates that they conceptually understand multiplication and the concept’s elasticity.  Instead of seeing single-digit multiplication as a times table to memorize, they can connect pictorial models to skip counting, and use “friendly facts” to answer harder problems, all of which makes the topic richer, computation easier, and a calculator unnecessary.

Given enough time, students who can conceptualize single-digit multiplication will answer 9 x 7 correctly.  However, if they need to draw out 9 groups of 7 dots or count on their fingers to calculate each unit of seven jump (7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14), their accuracy is negated by inefficiency (see graphic below).

7s Graphic.png

Moreover, by “counting all” to get to 63, they’re essentially solving 63 groups of one (63 x 1) instead of nine groups of seven.  One-step word problems like this shouldn’t feel like a race, but for most students, answering it correctly holds little value if they need to ruminate for several minutes. 

Performing standard addition, subtraction, multiplication and division algorithms are also not useful if they can’t be done efficiently.  Boaler is correct in stating that easy to use machines can solve these calculations for us.  However, she fails to mention the longitudinal implications of not mastering standard algorithms through paper and pencil practice.

Addition with renaming helps children understand subtraction with renaming and multi-digit multiplication, both of which lead to comprehending long division.  Mastering the long division algorithm is essential to understanding repeating decimals and later learning long division of polynomials.  These concepts lead to partial fraction understanding, a prerequisite of learning how to quickly solve differential equations.  Anybody pursuing a strong STEM degree (physics, chemistry, math, engineering, computer science, etc.) needs a well-developed understanding of long division and the other standard algorithms to learn many calculus topics.  Therefore, denigrating or minimizing the value of teaching and independently solving algorithms in elementary grades can lower the ceiling on a student’s long-term mathematical trajectory.

Succeeding in mathematics requires deliberate concentration and prolonged focus, but there are regions of the subject in which efficiency is essential for success.  Quick retrieval of math facts allows students better access to the discipline and many concepts they learn hold little value if they can’t be performed efficiently.  Many Boaler disciples correctly understand that rapid computation does not make one an excellent mathematician.  Too often, however, they interpret her teachings to mean that automaticity is not useful and practicing basic skills has no place in elementary math class.

They’re wrong.

Because every child possesses academic talents and deficiencies, teachers must make their students aware of both.  The wisest teachers determine which students need encouragement, which need humbling, and the best words and timing to convey both.  Regardless of a child’s academic confidence, every student needs to regularly receive positive recognition for their efforts.  Praising students, therefore, is an integral part of being an elementary school teacher.

The best math instructors balance their lessons with fluency, problem solving, instruction, and practice.  To build fluency, they teach strategies and carefully sequence problems that lead students to quicker retrieval of number facts.  From time to time, they might celebrate children who have improved their basic skills, especially those who have been struggling.  During other lesson sections, they recognize student cooperation, creativity, and most of all perseverance.  Celebrating efficiency as well as slow, deliberate thinking – they understand – are coordinated, not mutually exclusive goals.

1 “Anything that occupies your working memory reduces your ability to think.  As you become skilled in a task, its demand for energy diminishes. Studies of the brain have shown that the pattern of activity associated with an action changes as skill increases, with fewer brain regions involved.” – Daniel Kahnemann, Thinking Fast and Slow

2  “Trying to come up with an answer rather than having it presented to you, or trying to solve a problem before being shown the solution, leads to better learning and longer retention of the correct answer or solution, even when your attempted response is wrong, so long as corrective feedback is provided.” – Peter C. Brown, Make it Stick